Ola, Uber and Zomato: India’s gig workers see hope in new state law

India’s gig economy has seen a significant shift recently with the introduction of a new state law that directly affects workers associated with platforms like Ola, Uber, and Zomato. In this blog post, we will explore the implications of this legislation and how gig workers are finding renewed hope in its wake. Understanding the New State Law The new state law in question aims to regulate the gig economy and provide gig workers with certain rights and protections. It addresses various aspects, including minimum wages, working conditions, and access to…

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India launches its first mission to the Sun

The universe has always fascinated humankind. The distant stars, mysterious galaxies, and our very own celestial neighbor, the Sun, have been subjects of endless curiosity. In a remarkable scientific endeavor, India has embarked on a groundbreaking mission to explore the Sun, our nearest star. This ambitious venture, known as the “Aditya-L1” mission, is a giant leap for solar science and promises to unravel the Sun’s many secrets. Table of Contents 1. Introduction: A Journey to the Heart of Our Solar System The Sun, a blazing ball of searing energy, has…

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